Friday, August 25, 2006

The Billion Dollar Hoax - Part I - What Really Causes Disease?

Everywhere you turn you hear or see the evidence of disease in our society. Heart disease, autoimmune disease, bone disease, gum disease. What is with this word “disease”? It’s actually become a common phrase, a normal word in our everyday vocabulary. As common as it is, there’s seems to be a lack of understanding on what disease really means what actually causes it.

Is it stress? Is our environment making us sick? If someone could just develop the right immunizations, would we be disease free? Can we blame disease on lack of sleep, a virus, or something we’ve inherited?

The information on this book is intended to explain some simple concepts that seem to be overlooked, forgotten, or intentionally neglected in today’s world of health awareness. This information may shock, or even anger you. But it is a message that must be heard.

What I am now about to share with you, will forever change your understanding of what causes disease.

So let’s begin…but first, the following information is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease. In addition, its foundation is not based upon clever advertising phrases or incomplete truths, but rather is based upon fact, award winning scientific principles, and years of scientific research.

What if someone were to tell you that the vitamin and mineral supplements that you’ve so faithfully purchased and depended on for over the last 10 years to support the health of your body, have not been helping you, and in fact, may actually be harming you?

Would you feel, disappointed, betrayed, and even outraged?

I wouldn’t blame you. The truth is many of the vitamin and mineral supplements sitting in your cupboards or gym bag most likely ARE NOT doing to your body what you indeed believe them to be doing. In reality, you may have been neglecting your body’s very needs for decades, even though persuasive advertising may have convinced you otherwise.

Dr. Linus Pauling, one of the most decorated and applauded scientists of this century, and two time winner of The Nobel Prize, repeatedly stated in his works,

“Every ailment, every sickness, and every disease can be traced…to a
MINERAL DEFICIENCY”. - Dr. Linus Pauling, 2X Nobel Prize Winner

America: The Country of Abundance

America has long been known as t the nation of abundance. We are fortunate to live in a country where food is readily available and plentiful and of course, able to provide the essential nutrition to keep our bodies healthy. Now, if this were not the case, we would’ve certainly heard about it, right?

If I were to read you the following quote, when would you say it was written?

“The alarming fact is the foods, fruits, vegetables, and grains now being raised on millions of acres of land in this country no longer contain enough certain needed minerals and are starving us, no matter how much of them we eat.”

Would you say 1992? 1983? 1976? The answer is shockingly, 1936! And who would you say compiled this information? Would you say local FFA members, a county extension agent, or environmental activists? Actually, these findings were presented to Congress in a study called US Senate Document 264, at the 74th congress. In other words, we’ve been consuming foods unable to meet the nutritional needs of our bodies for over 6 decades!

Do Fertilizers Help?

Don’t fertilizers add to the nutritive value of our food? Actually, fertilizers make matters worse. At the end of WWII, there was a surplus of bomb making materials including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous. Since it was known these components were the main ingredients needed for growing large and plentiful crops, this surplus of chemicals made its way into the agricultural fertilizing realm for the first time.

And this continues today, unfortunately fertilizers being applied in record high quantities are not fortified with the other micronutrients needed by the soil. Yields may look great on the outside, but are nutrient poor on the inside.

Even recently, the results of the 1992 Earth Summit confirm this startling information:

Its statistics revealed that the farmland in North America were 85% nutrient deplete. And to make matters worse, the farmlands specifically in America showed the worst mineral depletion in all categories.

The net effect is a nation where people are fed, but nourished. The net affect is you must eat 70 bowls of spinach today to get the same nutrient content of one bowl in 1968. The net effect is America is the most overeaten nation in the world, leading all countries in rates of obesity, yet is nutritionally starved. The net effect is America leads the world in osteoporosis, new autoimmune disease, heart disease, and many forms of cancer. In fact, money spent in America on health care exceeds that of the National Defense.

Why is it that Americans eat and eat, yet continue to make midnight trips to the refrigerator? Simply put, we are starved for nutrition. And our bodies, and quality of life, suffer because of it. The old cliché: “It only takes 3 square meals a day” is just that, an old cliché.

Does The Government Know?

US Senate Document 264, written and published in 1936, also stated in it: “99% of the American people are deficient in minerals and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in…disease.”

Even recently, the highly respected Journal of the American Medical Association, or JAMA, in its June 2002 issue, published research from two Harvard Medical doctors, Dr. Robert H. Fletcher MD and Kathleen M. Fairfield, MD PhD of the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, who cite in their research, “Most people do not get an optimal amount of nutrients by diet alone… and suboptimal intakes of nutrients are associated with increased risks of chronic disease including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.”

These highly regarded individuals and their respected research findings definitively confirm that all diseases find their roots in nutritive poor, and specifically, mineral poor, nutrition. And this lack of minerals in the body manifests itself in disease.

• Lack of iron can contribute toward blood deficiencies.
• Lack of calcium contributes to bone disease.
• Lack of magnesium contributes to heart abnormalities.
• Lack of copper contributes to anemia.

In short, minerals are critically essential to maintain and promote health.

The Human Body Cannot Make Minerals

Yet even with the knowledge of this information, the most alarming fact not readily known, shared, or understood by the majority of people, is the human body CANNOT make minerals. This fact can’t be emphasized enough. The human body cannot make minerals!

We are completely dependent upon external sources for our mineral nutrition.

From the day we are born, our mineral stores begin to deplete. And if we’re not replenishing them with what we put into our bodies, in the correct form and design, a form that is water soluble, ionic, and the proper particle size, significant health challenges result. Ironically, the average American suffers from over 14 different mineral deficiencies, and doesn’t even know it.

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I am here to help you, help yourself, enjoy Vibrant Health.

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Arthritis Cure – Search For Truth

When doctors (specialists of arthritis) condemned her existence to a lifelong suffering of pain and increasing doses of harmful and addictive drugs, saying, "Bear with it, there is no cure for arthritis will be in a wheelchair within five years," Margie did not accept their verdict. She figured out all by herself, "There is a cause for arthritis and if there is a cause, then there must be a remedy . . . . If the doctors did not know anything about it, it did not mean there was no remedy. And with this optimistic rational, she charged into the pathway of "Search for Truth".

Margie tells us the story of her "Painful Odyssey through the Medic-World," and her pleasant adventures into the world of knowledge of nutrition and optimum health. Needless to say, she cured her arthritis..."THE INCURABLE DISEASE." The Medical Establishment will call this "spontaneous remission," yet Margie can turn her arthritis on and off to the tune of a melody. She has learned which foods trigger her arthritic pains and aches.

When Margie first came to my office for Nutrition Consultation, her main concern was her obesity, at 260 pounds for her 5 ft., 5 1/2 inches.

After two hours of questioning, I realized that she did not consider a major problem the fact that she still had about 20% of her arthritic pains and aches. For her having suffered constant pain for almost forty years, having cured herself of 80% of her pains was such a heavenly blessing she could bear slight aches and ignore them.

When I mentioned to her the fact that I could I could not put her on any weight reduction program until her aches were cured 100% and until she felt super-duper, her eyes sparkled with incredulous amazement and pleasure. Apparently, being free of pain 100% of the time had been to her such a "Sweet and unattainable dream" that she embarked on her new program with the enthusiasm of a pioneer. At the time of writing this book, she made a confession that when she first came to my office; she thought nutritionists were mainly concerned with such things as dieting, weight loss, and special diets for diabetes. The conventional "Dietetics" approach to nutrition. She thought...putting it in her words..."I was afraid to tell you; I thought you would pooh-pooh me for telling you I had cured my arthritis by eliminating certain foods from my diet... arthritis is supposed to be an incurable disease."

Naturally, what Margie discovered was that I not only believed in her claims, but encouraged her to complete her self-cure. I can substantiate her claims that she is 100% free of pain. Free of swelling. Although pain is a subjective feeling, and only a "Symptom" and not a "sign" for the skeptical doctor to substantiate or quantify it, pain has a unique characteristic to register itself on the face of the bearer. Margie has become her perky, cheerful self and, despite her busy schedule of working in the family business and extensive traveling, managed to write her book.

She has two important messages in her book. To the layman, her message says, "Annie, get your gun" and start singing "Anything you can do, I can do better." Put your body in your own hands and use the right bullets. Use nutrition, exercise, relaxation and aim at your health, your "optimum health." With some trial and error you, too, will learn to aim correctly. To the doctors, her message simply says, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most knowledgeable of them all?" It is time that doctors and medical students assess the type and amount of knowledge they are receiving from "The Establishment." Are they getting their dollar's worth?

Going to medical school is a very expensive investment and if they are being short-changed and because of this their patients will abandon them and seek self-cure, within the next few decades, a doctor may be an obsolete figure in our society, not because there will not be sick people, but because sick people, distrustful of their doctor's knowledge and abilities, will seek help elsewhere than the doctor's offices. Sick people who become disenchanted with their doctors do not necessarily find another doctor who is knowledgeable in Preventive Medicine, since although the ranks of this new breed of doctors are increasing, it is still difficult for the average person to locate one in his/her neighborhood.

What the sick people have easy access to are: popular books, health food stores, lay nutritionists and various non- conventional outlets. By trial and error, by reading, the determined person does improve his/her health to a degree that most describe as, "I cannot describe how miserable I was and how much money, time I wasted going from one doctor to another. If the cure for my problem was such a simple thing as changing my eating habits and a few vitamins and minerals, how come all these doctors do not know anything about it? I feel like suing the doctor for malpractice. It is a blessing I have come so far and I consider this a great improvement." What the sick person has access to does not necessarily guarantee what he/she really needs. This is the case of many clients who walk into my office for Nutrition Consultation.

Invariably, while their nutrition is along the lines of healthful eating and they have a bag full of bottles to show me what supplements they have tried, I find several major gaps and sometimes in their haphazard trial and error. I do not condemn the lay-nutritionists, nor the efforts of the patients for self-cure. On the contrary, any patient who comes to my office with such a background gets a friendly pat on the back.

The point I want to raise is for the doctors. If there were doctors who were trained in the gold mine of "Nutrition Therapy," then patients would not seek the lay and the non-conventional help. Americans do depend upon their doctors for their health just as they depend upon their cars for transportation. It is part of the American way of life. There is no such thing as an "INCURABLE DISEASE." ALL diseases are curable if we only knew and applied the right measures. For all diseases are preventable by maintaining optimum health through ortho-molecular nutrition and ortho-molecular environment. Correct molecular environment inside and outside of our bodies, guarantees not only a disease-free body, but optimum health. It is a pleasure to present to you Margie Garrison "THE FIRST SELF-CURE SPECIALIST."

Felor Jourdikian, Ph.D.

Dear Reader,

The book that Dr. Jourdikian is referring to is “I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too” that I wrote, published and is featured on

If I can be of any help with your “Search For Truth”, please feel free to contact me at:

I am here to help you, help yourself, enjoy a healthier and happier life.

Best of Health,
Margie Garrison

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Thursday, August 10, 2006


Today is the day you can begin to learn and take action that will help you to achieve your health and wellness goals. We understand that with this information and knowledge comes power...the power to change your life, the power to heal, the power to find health, energy and happiness again.

This page is designed to explain some vital concepts about your body and nutrition.

Welcome to Regenerative Health 101

Every Sickness & Disease Begins On a Cellular Level

The human body contains around 80 to 100 TRILLION CELLS! It is an incredibly complex system of resources that is necessary to keep this machine called a human body working. If we are to address any issue in the body or help keep the body functioning, we must learn how to provide our bodies with the necessary resources it needs in the correct form. This all occurs on a cellular level.

Around 60 million of body cells die and rebuild EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY! To keep this fantastic process going 24 hours a day, we must provide each and every living cell in our bodies 5 specific resources:

- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Oxygen
- Water
- Proteins

The Bloodstream Is the "River Of Life"

Our blood circulates through our body for very important reasons, to carry oxygen and other key elements INTO every cell in our body and to carry dead cells, wastes and contaminants OUT OF our body through natural biological processes.

Because this must occur to keep our trillions of cells alive, the bloodstream is literally the "River of Life". It is the messenger which transports the RESOURCES in the form of NUTRIENTS throughout the body. The level of cellular health within the body can be directly traced to the types of resources we consume through food and drink everyday. If we were to look at our cells under a microscope, we could identify many, many "inferior" dying or mutated cells in people who consume low nutrient or poorly prepared
foods. Conversely, we could identify many, many "superior" health cells in people who consume well-prepared or raw foods high in nutrient value.

The key is simple; everything you put into your mouth has
consequences. What you eat and drink everyday has a direct result reflected in your current health and energy levels. When cellular resources deplete, the aging process begins to accelerate.

The 4 Stages of "Degenerative Health

As we grow older, we often find that we have less energy, we are sick more; issues, re-occurring symptoms, conditions, and often diseases begin to occur more often. Fundamentally, this is a direct result of depleting cell health. We call this condition "Degenerative health -or- the Aging Process. The 4 Stages of "Degenerative Health (The Aging Process)

Stage 1 -Cell Health Depletes

- No symptoms are visible.

- You feel fine regardless of what you are eating.

- Your body is responding to nutritional deficiencies without any symptoms.

Stage 2 -Organ and Gland Reserves Are Drained

- Still, no outward symptoms are visible.

- Internally, your body is working hard to balance cellular

- Your internal organ cellular health is changing and beginning to mutate.

- Gland and organ are no longer functioning at a normal level.

Stage 3 -Microscopic Changes in Living Tissue

- Sub-clinical symptoms begin to surface

- You begin to feel different or worse. Your energy is down.

- Occasional internal or external pain is occasionally noticed.

- Gland and organ are now functioning at nominal levels.

- Worry begins to creep into your conscious thoughts and habits.

Stage 4 -Macroscopic Changes in Living Tissue

- Clinical symptoms appear.

- Disease often sets in and is diagnosed.

- Many physical and mental challenges begin to surface.

- Often physical exhaustion and difficulty sleeping occur.

- Glands and organs are now functioning at low levels.

- Real fear sets in and people often don't know where to turn.

Although the above information is accurate and somewhat disturbing, there is always hope.

Your body CAN regenerate cellular health from Stage 4 (or any other stage) and return to optimal health with RESOURCES and a PLAN.


Please call this toll-free number for a free 15-minute message that will help you to understand this information better. This call is absolutely free and is not a sales message, we call it our "Call to Wellness" message and it is a key to understanding VIBE and the Eniva Solutomic Technology.

Call Toll Free Anytime: 888-363-9480

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison “The Arthritis Lady”
1-727-392-8886 Call anytime from 9 am – 9 pm EST
Or email me at:

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