Monday, July 25, 2005

High blood pressure? Don't be fooled by the new “guidelines”

High blood pressure? Don't be fooled by the new “guidelines”

You have probably seen in the news the new “guidelines” for determining a healthy level of blood pressure. It used to be that 120/80 was considered optimal, 120 - 129/80-84 was normal and 130 - 139/85-89 was high normal. If your readings were over 140/90 you were considered to be at Stage 1 which was referred to as mild hypertension. Stages 2, 3 and 4 went up in various increments and they reflected increasing degrees of severity of hypertension.

But, this is no longer the case! Based on new USA guidelines if your blood pressure is in the “normal” range with a systolic pressure anything above 120 you are now considered to be prehypertensive and should according to the new guidelines be taking "two or more hypertensive medications to achieve goal pressure".

So if you were previously healthy before this recent announcement with a systolic blood pressure between 120 and 140 I am sorry to say that you along with 45 million other Americans are no longer considered to be healthy! In fact you will be pressured to take a drug to “restore your health”.

(On a personal note) My last mandated visit to my doctor, I have to go every 3 months whether I want to or not…. My blood pressure was 120 over 80. A little high for me. It is usually 110 over 80. In fact my doctor said to me on my first visit that he has patients who would die to have your blood pressure… This same doctor on this visit said your pressure is getting a little high. I will give you a prescription to help that.

I said no, you know I don’t take ANY medication. He just gave me a funny look. Last time he tried to give me some drugs for a urinary infection he said I had and I did not have. Wouldn’t take that either.

My daughter keeps telling me to get another doctor. I have found them all in the past 6 years to be like this so what is the point.

(Back to article)

Frankly, I think that the new recommendations are nothing short of scandalous! Hypertension is NOT a disease to be treated by drugs... it is a SYMPTOM of an underlying problem. Treating it without determining the cause is dangerous and is akin to giving drugs to reduce a high temperature whilst ignoring the cause of the high temperature.

In fact just like treating the symptoms of high temperatures which can be fatal in some people so can the potential flow on effects from treating high blood pressure! If you have high blood pressure you have it for a reason. That reason is because parts of your body are lacking in blood and the extra pressure is needed to get it there. If you artificially suppress that pressure with drugs whilst ignoring the underlying cause of it you are on the start of a slippery slide down to permanent ill health.

You may be thinking "But, if these recommendations for blood pressure are supported by the government then it must be desirable to keep within them. After all the government independently reviews all the information before endorsing new health guidelines... doesn't it?"

The short answer is yes it should, but no, it doesn't… at least not in this case! I'll explain.

This will make you furious!

The new guidelines for hypertension are referred to as JCN-7. JCN stands for the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. The report that they issued was their seventh, thus the reference number JCN-7.
All sounds pretty official and impressive, and given that the report was presented by government spokespersons at government press conferences as the latest government guidelines then it must have been well reviewed and debated... at least that is what you would think!

In fact that is what you should reasonably expect and indeed the law provides for this to safeguard the interests of the public! I quote the following excerpt from a paper by Paul Rosch, MD, FACP who is a clinical professor of medicine and psychiatry at New York Medical College.

"The law requires that all important Federal rules, including guidelines that affect the public must be written and promulgated according to the Government Code. This code mandates formal selection of a committee, pre-announcement of all meetings, open meetings that encourage testimony from all interested parties as well as written records, all of which must be preserved in a special docket. Everything is then reviewed in order to provide a written discussion of all the relevant evidence leading to the final rules or guidelines that must be published in the Federal Register. In addition, if the published guidelines are not consonant with a logical review of the evidence presented, the recommendations may be overturned by legal action."

Rosch researched the JNC-7 report which is now the “official” government guideline for hypertension and which has been issued to physicians and found that it is NOT on the Federal register and that in essence the legal system has been bypassed. Officials at the NIH (National Institute of Health) have admitted that the new guidelines were written by a non-government committee of “experts” that they had selected and were therefore not subject to the Federal Register regulations!

The guide lines were published in JAMA the Journal of the American Medical Association, NOT the Federal Register. The committee established these new guidelines with NO public meetings, NO meetings were open to the public, NO public input was solicited and NO detailed records of committee meetings were kept!

I am sure you get the picture! Now, back to the issue of hypertension!

As I mentioned earlier, hypertension is a symptom not an ailment.
By treating the symptom it is likely to exacerbate the cause. There are currently over 100 drugs being used to “treat” hypertension and most of them are given to patients on a trial and error basis. How many people do you know that have been given multiple drugs to reduce their blood pressure... and how many have had adverse side effects?

If you have been diagnosed with “high” blood pressure you owe it to yourself to learn as much as you can about it and also to TRULY determine if you do have high blood pressure. Most people are not aware just how much their blood pressure can vary. Temporary increases of 50% are not uncommon. These increases can come about just from a bit of tension combined with talking. It has been clearly documented that people who are considered to be hypertensive are really not although their readings are high.

When you go into a doctor's waiting room and you know your blood pressure is going to be taken and you are concerned about it that in it self can be sufficient to raise it enough to be considered hypertensive. Then when you start taking medication and go back for another check you will be even more concerned and the reading will be even less accurate often resulting in a higher dose rate... and so on it goes.

There is an excellent article about hypertension written by Paul Rosch whom I referred to earlier. I would urge you to read it in full. It's fairly long but full of good information. You can access it by clicking on the link below.

The last page of his article is entitled “Some thoughts on Pharmaceutical Finagling and Future Hypertension Research”... it's really worth reading! But, use caution, because if you are like me, it will make you mad and definitely raise your blood pressure!

So, be careful out there and question all recommendations when it comes to blood pressure medication AND do not ignore the CAUSE of the symptoms.

Best of Health,

Margie – “The Arthritis Lady”
“I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Garlic Is Mother Nature's Pungent Cure-All

Garlic Is Mother Nature's Pungent Cure-All - The Odoriferous Herb

I don't know about you, but one of my very favorite aromas is garlic wafting through a kitchen, especially when it's in a great tomato sauce or stir fried with some vegetables. Whether it's in a pan with olive oil or roasting in the oven, the smell of garlic sets my appetite on overdrive!

While not everyone shares my predilection for this odoriferous herb, there can be no denying that its appeal extends far beyond its smell or taste.

Time and again, garlic has come through as one of the most versatile healing herbs known to humans.

The value of garlic (Allium sativum) has been recognized since ancient Egypt, when slaves went on strike to increase their garlic rations. In the 1950s, the great Albert Schweitzer, M.D., used garlic in his African clinic to treat dysentery, typhus and cholera.

During the Second World War, garlic was used as a disinfectant for wounds and as protection against gangrene in injured soldiers.

Now, research is showing that it protects against two of the most dreaded diseases of our time: heart disease and cancer.

Some have even argued that since our ancestors ate a diet rich in a variety of plants and herbs now missing in modern diets, we should consider phytonutrient-rich plants such as garlic to be essential nutrients!

I think this is a great idea, and you can easily incorporate into your own personal diet plan just by taking aged garlic supplements.

Garlic Basics

Garlic is a member of the lily family. Its genus (Allium) also includes onions. When a clove of garlic is crushed or chewed, an odorless sulfur-containing compound, alliin, is transformed to allicin, which gives garlic its characteristic odor. Allicin is the element of garlic that has been most intensively studied and which appears to have the most medicinal value. Allicin naturally breaks down to other compounds, including daily sulfide and ajoene, which are thought to have unique healing effects on the body.

Garlic Keeps Your Blood Vessels Clear

While early studies on the heart-protective effects of garlic showed that garlic supplementation tended to decrease "bad" LDL cholesterol and raise "good" HDL, more recent research has conflicted with those results.

Whether garlic affects blood cholesterol levels or not, it still dramatically reduces the buildup of plaque (the fatty deposits that clog blood vessels) in the arteries.

In one study from the journal Atherosclerosis, 152 subjects had the amount of plaque in two major arteries measured, and then took garlic powder for 48 months. The results showed that the growth of the plaques was slowed by five to 18 percent, and that in some subjects the plaques actually became smaller.

Several studies on non-human subjects show the same trend. It appears that garlic protects the heart by way of its potent antioxidant effects. Oxidized LDL, not just LDL, is what causes plaques to grow. In study after study garlic has shown itself to be a superior preventative against LDL oxidation. Garlic also protects against clogged blood vessels by decreasing the tendency of blood to clump or clot.

Garlic Protects Against Infections Of All Kinds

Whether you want to stave off bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infections, garlic is good protection. Garlic has been shown in test-tube studies and animal studies to be deadly to Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers, and to the dreaded food-borne bacteria Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus and Listeria.

Bacteria do not develop resistance to garlic—a good reason to favor garlic over antibiotics!
Phytochemicals in garlic are also effective at stopping cold, flu and herpes viruses in their tracks. The growth of Candida albicans, the fungal yeast that causes vaginal yeast infections and intestinal candidiasis, is slowed by garlic. Garlic kills parasites such as Giardia and Entamoeba, both common causes of chronic diarrhea.

Cancer Prevention With Garlic

Studies on gastrointestinal, colon, and breast cancer show that in populations that consume more garlic, cancer risk is significantly lower. It appears that phytochemicals in garlic interfere with the growth of several kinds of cancer cells.

Garlic is also rich in selenium, the cancer-fighting mineral, and in sulfur, which supports the detoxification process. Several studies have shown that carcinogenic chemicals are detoxified more efficiently throughout the body when garlic is added to the mix. It also helps control the production of free radicals, which have been strongly implicated as a cause of cancer.

Can Garlic Prevent "Senior Moments?"

One interesting study in the journal Experimental Gerontology described the effects of garlic extract on learning and memory impairment in aging mice. Mice specially bred to age more rapidly than their normal counterparts were used.

About half of the mice were fed a 2 percent garlic diet for eight to nine months. It was found that the garlic-supplemented mice better retained their ability to learn and remember than their counterparts who didn't consume garlic.

I believe that everyone can benefit from adding garlic to their diets. Cook with it whenever you can. Fresh and powdered are both beneficial. I also recommend you take supplemental garlic. The aged garlic extracts, containing at least 0.6 percent allium, have been the most thoroughly studied.

Best of Health,

Margie – “The Arthritis Lady”
“I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”


Abramovitz D, et al, "Allicin-induced decrease in formation of fatty streaks (atherosclerosis) in mice fed a cholesterol-rich diet," Coronary Artery Diseases, 1999 Oct;10(7):515-9.
Ankri S, Mirelman D, "Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic," Microbes and Infection, 1999 Feb;1(2):125-129.
Challier B, Perarnau JM, Viel JF, "Garlic, onion, and cereal fibre as protective factors for breast cancer: a French case-control study," European Journal of Epidemiology, 1998 Dec;14(8):737-47.
Ide N, Lau BH,"Aged garlic extract attenuates intracellular oxidative stress," Phytomedicine, 1999 May;6(2):125-31.
Koscielny J, et al, "The antiatherosclerotic effect of Allium sativum," Atherosclerosis, 1999 May;144(1):237-49.
Kumar M, Berwal JS, "Sensitivity of food pathogens to garlic (Allium sativum)," Journal of Applied Microbiology, 1998 Feb;84(2):213-5.
Munday R, Munday CM, "Low doses of diallyl disulfide, a compound derived from garlic, increase tissue activities of quinone reductase and glutathione transferase in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat," Nutrition and Cancer, 1999;34(1):42-8.
Mishiyama N, Moriguchi T, Saito H, "Beneficial effects of aged garlic extract on learning and memory impairment in the senescence-accelerated mouse," Experimental Gerontology, 1997;32:149-60.
Polasa K, Krishnaswamy K, "Reduction of urinary mutagen excretion in rats fed garlic," Cancer Letters, 1997;114:185-6.
Siegers CP, et al, "The effects of garlic preparations against human tumor cell proliferation," Phytomedicine, 1999 Mar;6(1):7-11.
Singh A, Shukla Y, "Antitumor activity of diallyl sulfide in two-stage mouse skin model of carcinogenesis," Biomedical and Environmental Science, 1998 Sep; 11(3):258-63.
Sivam GP, et al, "Helicobacter pylori--in vitro susceptibility to garlic (Allium sativum) extract," Nutrition and Cancer, 1997;27:118-21.
Steinmetz KA, et al, "Vegetables, fruit, and colon cancer in the Iowa women's health study," American Journal of Epidemiology, 1994;139:1-5.
Takezaki T, et al, "Comparative study of lifestyles of residents in high and low risk areas for gastric cancer risk in Jiangsu Province, China; with special reference to allium vegetables," Journal of Epidemiology, 1999 Nov;9(5):297-305.
Venugopal P, Venogopal T, "Antidermatophytic activity of garlic (Allium sativum) in vitro," International Journal of Dermatology, 1995;34(4):278-9.
Weber ND, et al, "In vitro virucidal effects of Allium sativum (garlic) extract and compounds," Planta Med, 1992 Oct;58(5):417-23.
Yoshida S, et al, "Antifungal activity of ajoene derived from garlic," Applied Environmental Microbiology, 1987 Mar;53(3):615-

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Friday, July 15, 2005

Alternative Health - “10 All-Natural Steps to Achieving Your Health Goals”

Step 1
Take Stock Of Your Health

The first step is to take stock of your health as it is today.

I want you to make two lists.

1. Your health as it truly is today.

2. Exactly how you want it to be 6 months from now.

This is not just a New Years Resolution. It is a new start to make a brand new ending. See the other thoughts for today for the full quote.

This is not a test. You do not have to show it to anyone. You could send it to me and I will make suggestions as to how you can make the changes but it is for you. You created who you are today. And you can change who you want to be the rest of your life.

You might also make a list of your immediate ancestors’ health to make a comparison. So you will make three lists.

You cannot make changes if you do not recognize what you have to change. And take responsibility for that change.

Step 2
Digestive System

Did you know that 60 to 70% if hospitalizations are directly tied to your digestive system?

By the age of 58 almost 1/3rd of Americans has lost the ability to produce any hydrochloric acid.

I have found that almost 100% of those who come to me and beg me to get rid of their arthritis are really malnourished. Even those who are 50 and more pounds overweight.

Surgery for removal of your gall bladder is the second most popular operation in hospitals today.

How many people do you know who have ulcer and indigestion problems and probably taking drugs for them? Do not call them medications. They are DRUGS….

As you grow older and continue to eat the “All American Diet” that is killing us, you have made your digestive system less and less able to do the job that God meant it to do. Right?

The answer is very cost effective and seldom used. Change your way of eating. I repeat, Change your way of eating.

Most people eat junk. Stop that. This is what you must cut out of your diet. All sugar, all flour, all dairy, except for real cream and real butter. All decaffeinated products. All products that say they are hydrogenated. All products that say Lite or sugar free of diet.

These are slowing killing you and robbing you of your God given right to have your health in good running condition.

Do you want to continue doing as you are doing and expect different results? You are fooling yourself. I almost said you are a fool but that is not polite. True but not polite.

Give up all the antacids. Drink a full glass of water if you have digestive problems and see the difference that makes.

Take the proper supplements. There are many out there and of course you know.

Step 3

How many times have you been told your body if between 50 and 70% water. You know you must have 8 glasses a day to keep the toxic waste out of your body. Are you doing it?

Of course not. So do you want to be lazy or do you want to be healthy?

It is easy to drink. Eight glasses a day. If your water system has approval of the EPA this is what they allow in your water. Lead, arsenic, mercury, radioactive particles and a long list of other poisons. Make sure you are drinking good water.

Even the EPA has a monitoring list of no more than 100 chemicals allowed in your water. That simply means they allow at least 100 chemicals into our water supply. And you drink it.

Your body tries to detoxify you. Your body gradually deposits lead in your system into your bones. As we get old this can cause problems especially in women as they age.

Our government allows fluoride to be added to our water system. They started this in the early 20”s due to an acclimation of fluoride materials they had and had to get rid of it and decided to add it to our water. Cancers started to rise by 5% where it is used. It was very profitable to sell this fluoride to our cites.

They keep telling you that fluoride helps prevent cavities but research has shown this is false. If it were true there would be no cavities in the U.S. since our water is loaded with it.

Check out different methods of getting better drinking water.

By the way, be careful of those long, hot showers. When water is heated that hot and creates steam all the chemicals come into the air. You are standing in a closed area breathing in all those chemicals.

Get a filter for the shower at most hardware stores.

Step 4

I know what you are thinking. But do you want to be healthy or not. Pick an exercise you like. Whether it is walking, swimming, biking or whatever.

30 minutes of continual exercise with raise your heart level and if done a minimum of 3 times weekly will keep you fit. More is fine but it must be enjoyable or you will quit.

When I lived on the top floor of a tall building it was just too much to get ready and go out so I measured off what was a mile in my home and walked around and around. It is about 15 minutes.

You do not need to wear fancy clothes. Just keep moving for 30 minutes. All at the same time.

Do deep breathing exercises. Stand or sit tall. Inhale at the count of 7… hold it and for the count of 17… now exhale at the count of 7

Do this at least 10 times a day. You will be amazed at the difference in how your day goes and how you sleep better.

Try to get it to inhaling to the count of 11... holding it for the count of 21 and exhaling at the count of 11. It will take some time to do this because most of us breathe very shallow breaths.

Step 5
Our Colon Condition

If you have a healthy colon you have over 380 different species of micro-organisms living there. That is about 2 lbs of your body weight. Good bacteria does several things.

1. A slightly acidic environment inhibits the grown of undesirable bacteria like salmonella, shigella, and E coli. These bacteria also produce a volatile fatty acid which, along with the acids, make it difficult for fungus and yeast, like candida to survive.

2. Normalize your bowel movements. Good bacteria helps this.

3. Improve the ability of your immune system.

4. Aid in the formation of certain vitamins like vitamin K, which helps in blood clotting and formation of new bone.

5. Aids in the production of lactase.

6. Deactivates various cancer-causing compounds either produced by other organisms or from foods.

7. Instrumental in regulating cholesterol levels.

8. Helps regulate hormone levels.

Eliminates gas problems and sweetens the breath.

Step 6

There comes a time in each of our lives we must decide to fortify our diets with vitamin supplements. I cover that pretty much in my book, “I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”

The average person on the street thinks it’s normal to suffer from things like constipation, headaches, indigestion, obesity, fatigue, lack of concentration and arthritis. Among over a 100 degenerative disease that doctors say cannot be cured.

You made your body what it is today and by the same reasoning you can regenerate your immune system. That is really all that is wrong with you. Your immune system is just not working as God intended it to work.

That’s your fault if you are over 18. You can change it. The products I recommend are products I have searched for in the last 23 years since I got rid of my arthritis.

The problems with supplements is that is takes a degree to figure out which to take and when and how much and what brand.

You have heard about the septic tank company’s article on what is usually in the septic tanks.

They find complete vitamin capsules there. They just went into the people and straight out through the bowels and never even let anything into the body. A total waste of time and money and these people of course thought they were doing the right thing.

Don’t waste your time and your money and more importantly, your health.

Step 7
The importance of Vit. C

You need Vit. C to help you protect water-soluble molecules. You also need Vit. E

You need to understand the word antioxidants.

The word oxidation describes the process in which something chemically combines with oxygen... All the energy in our bodies is produced through the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Antioxidants are substances which either slow or completely stop this process. The body needs antioxidants to manage and fine tune the rate of oxidation.

Without antioxidants your entire body might simple burn up. With them the oxidation of our food can be regulated so that the amount of energy being released will correspond to our current needs.

Linus Pauling recommends the least expensive source of Vit C is plain old ascorbic acid. It is cheapest when bought in bulk powdered form. You can get ascorbic acid crystals for as little as $20.00 a pound. Each teaspoon provides 4,000 mg of vit C.

The only trouble is that it is an acid. Of course you can use that to your advantage if you have constipation problems. The acidity will often stimulate a bowel movement within minutes.

Vit C has repeatedly shown the ability to strengthen the immune system. It is nontoxic and when bought in bulk very cheap.

Vit. C constitutes another one of those health insurance bargains!

Step 8
Processed Foods

For a quick lesson on why processed and cooked foods are bad for you…

There was an experiment with cats. They used two groups. One group got only cooked foods nothing else. The other got fresh uncooked foods.

The first group died very young the second had long cat lives.

Processed foods are depleted of enzymes. It also strips the food of unsaturated fatty acids.

Food processing companies do not like unsaturated fatty acids. They shorten the products shelf life.

Oils are foods. It is fatty acids that your body uses to create cell walls, hormones and energy. You need tow types. Linoleic Acid and linolenic acid.

Without them you get degenerative diseases.

Food processors have developed techniques to chemically modify the fats in food to make them more stable. This trend turns out to be another on of your greatest health threats.

After WWII large commercial processors developed two extraction methods that have changed very little in the last 60 years.

On is using solvent to get rid of the fats in food. They add a solvent such as hexame. Then they are heated as high as 150 degrees. They reuse this solvent over and over.

Then the oil is degummed. (That is the right word) They remove the proteins, carbohydrates, many trace minerals and lecithin. They then sell this lecithin to health food stores at a big profit.

Then sodium hydroxide is added. This removes the fatty acids like LA and LNA. This sodium hydroxides real name is “Drano”. It is done under heat at 175 degrees. Then to give it a clear, transparent color they bleach it.

It goes on and on. You end up with a clear and tasteless oil.

Process foods are dead foods. When I went to the Pauling Manor, now retired, the first thing they made us do is write on a card…if a food can spoil eat it…if it cannot spoil do not eat it.

So if 75% of your diet is raw. You will be amazed at the difference in your life.

Unrefined oils like fish oil, evening primrose oil and flax oil can work miracles with so many health problems.

Get rid of oleo and shortening. Use cold pressed olive oil. Stop buying prepared foods. People eating instant oatmeal might as well through it down the drain for all the good it does you. If you like oatmeal and it is good for you get rolled oats. It looks like flakes. Heat up water, add the oatmeal and stir. Add real butter and real cream and some raw honey and it is fit for a king or queen.

Stay away from canned foods. Use your head and save your health.

Step 9
Artherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Disease

This disease is killing over 1 MILLION people a year that we know of. The most bizarre aspect of all these deaths is that we not only know what causes arteriosclerosis, we know how to prevent it!

Sadly, orthodox medical continues to ignore the evidence and still blames cholesterol as the culprit for this disease. It is not.

The full discussion is too long and hard to understand.

It is lecithin.

Found in egg yolk. They are an excellent food source for lecithin. But due to the programmed scaring by the drug industry that cholesterol can only be managed with a drug and that eggs are bad for you we are dying.

If you totally eliminated all cholesterol from your diet, your body would compensate by slightly increasing production as it needed additional amounts...

On the other hand, increasing cholesterol in your diet would cause liver production to cut back until it was unable to maintain minimal influence on blood cholesterol levels.

It has been shown time and time again that dietary cholesterol has only minimal influence on blood cholesterol levels. “Effect of Dietary cholesterol on Triglycerides in Human Subjects” Fed. Proc. Abstr. 2193, 1 March 1978.

Your body needs cholesterol to create cell membranes. Every cell needs a constant supply.

This is just another reason why you want to get all your vitamins and minerals and enzymes in one place and at a minimum outlay of money.

Step 10
Look At Your Whole Body, Mind and Soul

Stop looking at just your ailments and how to cure them. Look at your whole body, mind and soul.

Old time medicine treated the whole you. Naturopathy does this. No drugs.

You must understand that OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM is what controls are health and life expectancy. You have control of your IMMUNE SYSTEM…

Hopelessness and negativity can do as much to undermine your health as anything else. You and you alone control what goes into your mouth. You control your LIFE.

“Though no one can go back and make a new start… Anyone can start over and make a new ending”. Carl Bard

Take this to heart. Here are 5 steps to help you modify your condition.

1. As you lie in bed at night…very quickly re-live the events of the day. If you expressed any anger, bitterness, ill will, hatred or other negative feelings (either verbally or in your thoughts) you need to re see the situation in your mind and picture handling the situation differently. Practice handling situations in a positive manner.

2. Work on forgiveness towards yourself and others. Learn from your mistakes. You are who you are today due to what has happened to you in the past. You can take control of how you want to be.

3. Take time everyday to give thanks for all the wonderful things in your life.

Our family has a great tradition. Whenever we say goodbye to each other, in person or on the telephone we add… Love you bye.

My boys to it to each other. We do it always and if leaving notes we add it. It is a tremendous way to bond.

4. Learn how to relax. Using biofeedback. Start by lying down on your bed and from the tips of your toes to your head relax each part of you. One by one. It will take some time to get the hang of it but it works.

5. Use visualization. I have mentioned this many times. I learned it from Tony Robbins. Find a quiet place and sit down. Now visualize what it is you want. Be specific. When you have the picture in your mind of that particular thing, make it into color and then make it go way out in front of you. It gets brighter and brighter. At that moment touch yourself on a place that is easy to reach and stop the vision.

Now every time you have a bad thought or an angry one you can touch that spot and get that vision.

Is it easy? No. Is it worth while to learn to do this? Yes.

Here is how I used it. I was in agony with arthritis for 43 years before finding a way to stop it.

When I was at my worst my hands were so swollen I could not hold things tight. Did not want to knock on a door or hold hands. They were hot.

So after getting raid of my arthritis, my knuckles were normal and did not hurt and were not hot. I was so proud of them. In learning this technique my anchor spot was my knuckles and my vision was of a happy place where I felt safe and loved.

Every time, even today, when I touch my knuckles I automatically smile. It happens every time. It is hard to be sad or miserable or cruel when smiling.

Try it you will love it.

You can take charge of your life. I will help you to help yourself to pain relief and a healthy life style.

My late husband. Warren used to say, “It is hard to be happy when you hurt. Irma was happy yesterday and could see more days ahead.


“I am not responsible for what others do or say. I am only responsible for how I “react” to what others do or say”. It will take the burdens of the world off your shoulders.

Since I have practiced this since the early 70”s maybe that is why at 78 years young I take no drugs. I am enjoying every day in every way.

I have not lost my temper since that time.

I take that back. About 4 years ago I was involved in a situation where I had to take control of a woman who was out of control from being drunk. She was getting violent. I used words with caring but she got worse. I then had to shove her onto the sofa and look her in the eye and tell her in a very demanding way to control herself.

I was not angry but I was agitated. In a controlled manner. I guess she saw by my eyes I was deadly serious and she calmed down long enough to get the police.

My biggest regret over that is that I had laid hands on her. This has not been part of my way of dealing with life for 30 years and I felt just terrible that I used force.

And it took me back to the time when I was about 12. My step mother used to beat me quite regularly with a board and then bang my head against the wall and say. I am going to knock your head into a peak and knock the peak off.

When she was not angry she called me her darling daughter. (Of course now I realize she was manic-depressive.)

After this beating, I realized I was just a little taller that she was. I stood straight and looked her dead in the eyes and said…”You will never, ever lay a hand on me again” and walked away.

And she never did. Of course I left home just 2 months before my 15th birthday.

I made peace with her in my twenties. It was a burden to me until I met with her and expressed my feelings. She truly seemed regretful.

But it made a huge difference to me.

Best of Health,

Margie – “The Arthritis Lady”
“I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”

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Monday, July 11, 2005

“Why Water Creates Great Health”

From My Friend Toni,

1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

And now for the properties of COKE:

1. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.

3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous China.

4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals:
Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for sumptuous brown gravy.

8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains.

9. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.

For Your Info:

1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in osteoporosis.

2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials.

3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

Now the question is, would you like a coke or a glass of water?

Have A Great Day and Share It With Others

Best Of Health,

Margie - "The Arthritis Lady"

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