Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Most Amazing Supplements I have ever heard of…

The Most Amazing Supplements I have ever heard of…

It’s called VIBE

You will be amazed at the fast results…

"Minerals are the Source of Life"

"Your mineral needs are even more important than your vitamin needs... since the human body can not make minerals" Henry Schroeder, M.D. PhD

Did you know that 99% of the American people are mineral deficient?

VIBE will flood your system with vitamins and minerals and enzymes to shake up your immune system and let you live the life God meant you to live.

At this time VIBE is only available in the United States.

Here are a few examples of what Vibe is doing for the people that use it.

A man that the oncologist had given 2 days to live.

His wife got a bottle of VIBE from their chiropractor and in 2 days he was sitting up reading a newspaper.

Another man had liver cancer and given 6 months to live. In a very short time he was home and driving a car again.

A lady suffering from Fibromyalgia. After 4 days she was not taking naps in the afternoon and all her aches and pains were gone.

To hear more testimonials please call 580-431-2704, it is recorded and available 24/7, and after you hear the greeting, press 1 and then redial and press 2 and listen to the next one about cancers.

Here are some more positive results from taking VIBE

Acid reflux gone in 4 days

Colon problem and scheduled operation. 5 days and operation cancelled.

  • Lots of infections and could not sleep. 5 days sleeping the whole night
  • Infections gone
  • Migraine headache gone in minutes
  • Lady on crutches due to arthritis and now walking without crutches
  • Heart transplant operation cancelled. Nothing wrong with his heart
  • Man taking morphine for pain. Off morphine in 4 days. No pain
  • Sleep disorder for 18 years. Gone in a week

The list goes on and on.

As you know, I’m an expert on arthritis. I suffered with arthritis for 43 years and got rid of it in weeks, I’ve have been helping people get pain relief from their arthritis for the past 25 years.

In that time I have found different supplements that did some good. One had very good results over time.

But I have never seen a supplement, which works with the speed of VIBE.

There’s even more…

People with degenerative diseases, and arthritis is one, are seeing results in days.

Right… Days, not weeks or months.

Not only that but they have gone on to help all their friends and family with their health issues.

But wait, there’s more. The company has set it up so that you can get your supplements at deep discounts and actually at cost.

Here is the essential part of VIBE

VIBE - The Essence of Vibrant Life

Leading medical researchers and clinicians have recommended that individuals take a daily multi-nutrient supplement.

Eniva's VIBE product has been specifically formulated to meet this recommendation.

VIBE is a specialized blend of solubilized nutritional components engineered to promote, support, and recharge healthy body systems.

VIBE is the most comprehensive answer to the body's need for life-giving nutrients.

This "all-in-one" supplement provides a convenient, great tasting, economical, and powerful way to receive balanced nutrition for vibrant living. A more complete, proven combination of healthful goodness in liquid design can't be found.

The reports from people who suffer with arthritis and joint and muscle pain are heart warming.

Not only that but it is listed in the “Physicians Desk Reference Book”. This book is found in every doctor’s office.

And that is just for starters. You get 100’s of healthy nutrients that come from whole food sources... You get more cell energy.

They use Pharmacy content grade water as a base.

They use negative field activation to make the supplements more powerful.

It gets even better…


  • Promotes overall body balance
  • Nourishes a healthy immune system
  • Cleanses your vital organs
  • Promotes healthy bones and promotes joint flexibility
  • Supports mental clarity and well being
  • Neutralizes harmful environmental toxins
  • Has anti-aging properties” with high potency of anti-oxidants from fruits and vegetables and various botanicals
  • Has high Oxygen Radical Absorbsion Capacity (ORAC)
  • Counteracts free radicals that are responsible for aging
  • Promotes healthy cholesterol levels and supports red blood cell health
  • Encourages the health of vibrant skin
  • Do you understand what this could mean to you?

    A Product for Our Times

    VIBE is designed with everyone's health in mind. It's perfect for:
  • People looking to maintain their health
  • Mature individuals who want to retain their youth
  • Busy professionals who need a quick, easy nutrition solution
  • Someone who has overcome a recent health challenge
  • Moms seeking to provide additional nutrition for their family and children
  • Athletes looking for the added edge that will enhance their efforts.
  • Those looking to support their immune system
  • Individuals who want to support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system
  • Those looking to maintain a normal weight

You desire a safe, effective product at an affordable price.

If you’re looking for the Most Amazing Supplements you ever heard of, Go to:

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison - “The Arthritis Lady”

P.S. I am here to help you to help yourself to a Healthier and Happier life style.
Visit my web site at:

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Monday, October 10, 2005

“Dark Side Of Soy Bean”

Infants are most vulnerable to damage from soy phytoestrogens

Soy has been promoted as a miracle food that can prevent heart disease, fight cancer, and build strong bodies. Sales were in the $4 BILLIONS in 2004.

Respected scientists warn that its benefits should be weighed against proven risks. Even researchers working for the soy industry admit that the “marketing is way ahead of the science.”

Yet the FDA approved a health claim for the soy and heart disease in 1999.

I disregarded warnings from independent and government scientist and ignored hundreds of peer-reviewed studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, thyroid disorders, allergies, ADD/ADHD, reproductive problems, infertility, cognitive decline, cancer, and heart disease.

The FDA ruling proved such a financial boon that sales increased 200% between 2000 and 2004.

The truth is now starting to appear. Late July, The Israeli Health Ministry warned that children under 16 should eat soy foods no more that once per day and a maximum of 3 times a week, that babies never receive soy formula, and that adults exercise caution when consuming soy products...

The Ministry took its advice from a 23 member committee of nutritionists, oncologists, pediatricians who spent a year examining the evidence.

July of 2005 the Cornell University’s Program of breast Cancer and Environmental Risk factors warned that soy food consumption can increase breast cell multiplication, increasing risk for breast cancer.

In 2002, the British Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in food, Consumer Products and Environment” which found no merit in most of the health claims of soy. They identified infants on soy formula, vegetarians who use soy as a primary source of protein, and adults trying to prevent disease with soy foods and soy supplements as all being at risk for thyroid damage.

This can be confusing since Asian peoples have used soy for centuries and many people believe this keeps them free of most Western diseases. But while Asians show lower rates of breast, prostate and colon cancers, they suffer higher rates of thyroid, pancreatic, liver, stomach and esophageal cancers.

Asians also eat different soy foods from the ones now appearing on American tables…miso, natto, temped, tofu, tamari and shoyu…instead of energy bars, soy shakes, soymik, veggie burgers, TVP chili and other meat or dairy substitutes.

These quintessentially Western products are manufactured using high-tech industrialized processes that destroy protein quality, reduce vitamin levels, and leave toxic residues and carcinogens...

Making matters worse, much of today’s soybean crop is genetically modified. GM beans carry higher levels of anti-nutrients, toxins and allergens that regular soybeans and have caused vast damage to the environment.

Indeed, most of the
Amazon Rain Forest has been lost to GM soybean farming than to beef grown for fast-food franchises.

Most dangerous of all, soybeans naturally contain high levels of phytoestrogens. Promotes as safe hormone replacement therapy, these plant estrogens can cause significant endocrine disruption, leading to weight gain, fatigue, brain fog and depression.

Soy foods also have a “contraceptive effect” a fact known to scientists since the 1940”s. For women, it alters menstrual cycles, causing hormonal changes indicative of infertility.

For men it lowers testosterone levels, quantity and quality of sperm and sex drive.

Couples who desire to have children are wise to cut out soy.

Because of their small size and stage of development, infants remain most vulnerable to damage from soy phytoestrogens. Soy formula now represents 25% of the bottle-fed market in America and yet it’s been linked to thyroid damage, premature puberty in girls, delayed or arrested puberty in boys, and other disorders,

Soy formula also contains toxic levels of manganese…50 to 80 times the amount found in diary formula or breast milk.

The bottom line is the safety of soy has yet to be proven. Unanswered questions have let the Israeli Health Ministry, the Swiss Federal Health Service, the British Dietetic association and others to warn parents and pediatricians that soy infant formula should only be used as a last resort.

If this isn’t enough reason not to eat soy, I give up.

We are putting so much toxic materials in our bodies and then wondering why we are so sick so soon and have so many diseases.

Best of Health,

Margie - "The Arthritis Lady"

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