Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Nutritional Supplement Technology Breakthrough

Imagine a place where you are full of life, energetic, excited about the future, and achieving your dreams.

We call this place “vibrant living.”

And isn’t that what most of us are seeking? We are looking for ways to live fully, to experience the health and vitality that is our birthright. Little do many people realize the secret of true vibrant living is proper nutrition.

The human body was designed to be healthy. It was designed to be energetic, lean, agile, and resilient at healing. It was designed to succeed at living. The human body has tremendous potential for ultimate vitality, but the challenge is providing it with the right materials to harness this potential.

VIBE™ is the most comprehensive answer to the body’s need for life-giving nutrients. This “all-in-one” supplement provides a convenient, great tasting, economical, and powerful way to receive balanced nutrition for vibrant living. A more complete, proven combination of healthful goodness in liquid design can’t be found.

America leads the world in nutrient-depleted soil. This fact has been quietly known for decades. Even the US government in US Senate Document 264 from the 74th Congress in 1936 stated: “99% of the American people are deficient in minerals...The alarming fact is that foods, fruits, vegetables, and grains now being raised on millions of acres of land no longer contain enough certain needed minerals and are starving us, no matter how much of them we eat.”

At the Earth Summit Statistics meeting in 1992, experts revealed information conclusively showing that farmlands in North America were 85% micronutrient depleted.

In 2002, leading medical researchers and clinicians recommended that every American use a daily multi-nutrient supplement to address the health dilemma of nutritionally poor diets (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 2002).

Liquid is the Answer

Over the years, nutritional supplements in pill, tablet, and chelate form have been the tractional choice for millions of people. But scientific study has led many people to rethink their supplement choices.

Vitamins and minerals in TABLET or PILL FORM are poorly absorbed and used by the body.

Graphic evidence of this is seen in wastewater treatment plants and outdoor portable toilets across America.

Thousands of pounds of undigested pills and tablets, many with name brands still readable, regularly pose a challenge for facility operators. These forms of supplements are ineffectively used by the body – containing nutrient designs made of crushed up rocks, fillers, and binders.


Looking to nature, we see the perfect design for the ideal nutrient delivery system. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients are consumed from the soil by plants, then transformed into a water-soluble design that is usable by the human body. No matter what we put into our bodies, the goal is always the same... To make it water-soluble.

Unique Water

Vibe’s formula begins with USP23 pharmaceutical grade water. The water molecules are the enhanced using Eniva’s unique structured process, called Negative Field Activation. A powerful magnetic field design, many times the strength of the earth’s own magnetic field is used. Water normally has polar bonds, which in the presence of a magnetic field, are modified. It is a process that “structures” and further purifies the water, resulting in:

1. Modified bond angles
2. Enhanced electrical and physical properties
3. 3-Deminsional structuring

Building On Success

The development of VIBE™ has been years in the making.
The pioneer of water-soluble nutrient delivery technology the Eniva Corporation – offers VIBE as the benchmark by which other liquid nutritional supplements are measured.
The success of the company’s line of potent, water-soluble nutrients has helped millions of people and has laid the foundation for the development of VIBE.

Experience the vigor, feel the positive energy, claim the essence that is yours.

Solutomic and Aqueous Technologies

The result is superior absorption and assimilation of nutrition into the body’s most fundamental cellular structures.

Eniva’s breakthrough technology is based on nature’s intricate design of putting nutrients into a form our bodies can effectively use. The technologies have several properties:

1. Water and fat-soluble nutrients in a balanced aqueous solution
2. Mineral particles with an electrical charge, referred to a ionic
3. Nutrients that are cell-ready or in the proper size to be absorbed into the cells of the body, not just the bloodstream
4. Bioactivated – enhanced processing based on the physiology of the human digestive system

The potency of VIBE

Just ONE POTENT OUNCE of VIBE is EQUIVALENT to nutrients found in:

13 tomatoes - Vitamin A
10 cups raw green beans - Folate
20 peaches - Vitamin C
35 cherries - ORAC Score
10% Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera Gel
15 raw mangoes - Vitamin E
25 fresh walleye fillets - Calcium
5 6oz. beef steaks - Magnesium
13 cracked wheat slices - Zinc
2.5 cups of Green Tea (EGCG Content)

Plus 100's of healthy nutrients from whole-food sources

Vibrational Frequency Technology

Science has revealed that every substance and organism operates within a particular frequency. High-frequency forms generally have a higher strength and wellness quotient than those at a low frequency. Eniva has studied this amazing phenomenon and pioneered a process whereby vibrational energy is applied, penetrating the solution and resulting in; Enhanced stability, Increased solubility and Improved composition and effectiveness.

Evina’s Vibe is DIFFERENT – more scientifically advanced as compared to other multi-nutrient supplements on the market today.

1. Facts with Intergrity

Interpreting the labels of some multinutrient products is like trying to read a foreign language… you’re just not sure what they’re saying. Some companies do not even know the amount of ingredients in their products – they say “it varies from one batch to another” or “there is really no way to know the true amounts.” At Eniva, not only do we verify raw material sourcing and have a government inspected manufacturing facility, we provide a detailed listing of the consistent ingredients and their amounts in each VIBE bottle.

2. Scientific Balance

Eniva devotes a tremendous amount of research and development effort to its products. Ironically, the science of correct nutrient ratios and interactions is often overlooked by most nutritional manufacturers. At Eniva, the laws of chemistry and body balance have been respected. No ingredient is sourced, or technical process explored unless it is grounded in qualified, scientific principles. Volumes of research documents, clinical studies, and test results are reviewed by Eniva’s R & D Team as new technologies are explored. VIBE truly incorporates the best of both science and nature.

3. Unique Ingredients

VIBE contains high-dose Green Tea and Aloe Vera Gel in each serving. These unique ingredients possess a multitude of health benefits well known to the scientific community.*

4. High ORAC Score

Short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, ORAC is an analysis that measures the total antioxidant power of foods and other substances. It indicates the amount of dangerous free radicals an antioxidant can “absorb” or neutralize. Scientific findings from the USDA suggest that eating plenty of high-ORAC fruits and vegetables may help slow the aging process in the body and brain (1). Eniva’s VIBE has one of the highest ORAC scores on the market derived from natural fruits, vegetables, and botanical sources.

5. Class 10,000 Production

VIBE is formulated and produced within a Class 10,000 Clean Room Manufacturing Facility. This is the same type of environment where heart pacemakers and super-computer chips are manufactured. Eniva has complete control over environmental factors such as air quality, temperature, pressure, and other variables. VIBE goes through strict process controls and inspections to ensure both safety and efficacy.

People Who Should Take Vibe

Vibe is designed with everyone’s health in mind. It’s perfect for:

1. People looking to maintain their health*
2. Mature individuals who want to retain their youth*
3. Busy professionals who need a quick, easy nutrition solution
4. Someone who has overcame a recent health challenge*
5. Moms seeking to provide additional nutrition for their family and children
6. Athletes looking for the added edge that will enhance their efforts*
7. Those looking to support their immune system*
8. Individuals who want to support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system*
9. Those looking to maintain a normal weight*
10. People who desire a safe, effective product at an affordable price

At Eniva, we provide life-enhancing wellness products to the global community. We offer a guaranteed promise of quality, safety and effectiveness, while at the same time, advocating environmental consciousness. Through our leadership and innovation, we empower people to reclaim their health and wellness.

• Product formulation supported by extensive research, patents, and clinical studies
• Extensive offering of more than 75 wellness products containing high-potency ingredients
• Simple, impactful health programs presented through a unique Philosophy of Wellness
• State of the art research, development, and manufacturing in a Class 10,000 Clean Room Laboratory and USDA/FDA inspected production facility
• Chemists, engineers and scientists who direct and perfect Eniva’s wellness technologies
• The trust of millions of consumers who have experienced conclusive results Eniva is unique, bringing high-value, quality-driven products to you.

Product Use Experiences from People Who Have Been Journeying Toward Wellness

• “My knees, hips, and back are now strong. I can walk and climb stairs again. These products have definitely changed my life beyond anything I thought possible. I can now do things I haven’t done in years!”
Phyliss K., Creston, IA

• “I can finally move on from the issues with my female cycle and get on with living. The products have changed my life. I can honestly say that I feel like a HEALTHY person.”
Melissa B., El Dorado, KS

• “After undergoing an extensive medical treatment for my heart, I started on the Eniva products. They have given my body the energy and stamina to get strong again. I used to be forced to rest many times a day and never felt well. Now, I am back into my sport of training dogs three times a day and loving life again!”
Bill B., Winona, MN

• “I am able to eat, digest, and enjoy – it’s about time! It’s amazing how good nutrition can help the body get healthy. All I can say is ‘Try it! – Don’t Stop!’ Everyone needs this product.”
Diane S., Alpena, MI

• “My sugar and cholesterol levels are now healthy, plus I’ve lost weight. These products are the best thing I have come across in my whole life. If you want to have a better quality of life, I suggest you try them.”
Susan V., Cokato, MN

• “I do believe I would not be here today if it weren't for Eniva. Within a short time of starting on the products, my airways cleared. Later, the throbbing in various parts of my body disappeared. Now, I no longer walk with a limp and don’t have to use my handicapped car sticker anymore. Plus, Eniva has helped me lose 22 pounds! I believe I finally have found total health. I’m grateful every day for my Eniva Family and the life I was given back.”
Kathy B., Kentwood, MI

• “Breathe in, breathe out – healthy breathing! What a great feeling to know that the Eniva products really can have a life-changing impact on my way of life.”
Cal H., Alpena, MI

• “The minerals have helped my body achieve a more healthy pH level. My once aching back now feels great!
Pete H., North Sioux, SD

**Note: These statements are meant to reflect personal experiences of Eniva Wellness Community Members. They are not meant to predict the results others may obtain. Eniva Members may have a financial business interest with the product. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing.

Experience Vibrant Living!

To learn more, visit my website at:
Natural Health for Your Body and Mind


(1) USDA Agricultural Research Service, Human Nutrition Research Center. High-ORAC Foods May Slow Aging, 1999.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing.

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