Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Futility of Medical Diagnosis - Case History of Arthritis

A man, who had been treated at a similar place, as I had gone to get rid of my arthritis, said this to Dr. Gross. “I have been to hospitals and specialists who took as much as a week and thousands of dollars to give me a through examination and I did not get well.

I came here and did not get an examination and got well. I just can not understand it.”

That man had come to this spa a few weeks earlier. He was an important businessman. I tell you this so you know he had money for any type of treatment. He had developed arthritis. He had gone the rounds of the best care the medical profession could offer. After years of this he came to this spa.

He was looked over. He had swollen and stiffened joins and Dr. Gross spent about thirty minutes getting a complete story of his mode of living and of the abuses of which he had been subjected in the form of treatment. He was told he was going to bed for a complete bed rest and was going to give him all his meals out of a pitcher. Right, Just water.

Upon hearing this, the man asked, perplexed, “Aren’t you going to examine me? He was told they had all the information they needed. He went to bed. After a few days he began to see improvement in his condition. He continued to improve. He had hobbled in on a cane and crutch. After 2 weeks he was a puzzled but happy man. He was in great health and no pain nor any inflammation in his previously affected joints.

It was explained to him that examinations are searches for symptoms, effects, results, end poisons, and not searches for CAUSE. If cause is known, it can be removed, whereupon the production of effect ceases. If cause is not known, palliation of symptoms is all that can be hoped for while the means of palliation produce complications of their own.

His way of living was the cause of his arthritis and the treatment of changing his way of living was the results he was seeing.

He was told the story of the physician who analyzed the teardrops of the woman who had been crying for days. He found the teardrops to be composed of water and saline particles, but he failed to find the cause of her crying.

A knowledge of the composition of the teardrops was of no service to him in his care of the crying woman.

Had he known or asked the cause of her crying, he might have been able to be of genuine service to her.

It was pointed out to the man that the causes of a disease are not found in its symptoms nor in the morbid changes in the fluids and tissues of the body that are part of the disease. Cause has to be sought for in other places

Removal of causes is necessary for health improvement.

Patients do not understand that when a urine test shows sugar in the urine, this does not reveal the cause of the glycosuria. Neither do they know the significance of the oft-repeated statement that the cause of diabetes is unknown.

It is easy to test the urine and discover the presence of sugar. It is almost equally easy to discover excess blood sugar by means of a blood test and neither test reveals the cause.

Without knowledge of cause all a physician can do in his care of a diabetic patient is palliate symptoms. The cause of diabetes are ignored, not understood, and not sought for so long as the physician and his patients are satisfied with the palliation.

A similar approach is made to arthritis. Once the elaborate exam is over and the diagnosis has been made the patient is given Aspirin, Gold salts, cortisone and numerous harmful other drugs to lessen inflammation and to enable the sufferer to move about, often with the aid of cane or crutch, while growing progressively worse as the arthritis spreads from joint to joint.

The above example was from an examination taken in the 1920’s. Now almost 85 years later nothing much has changed, except the medical field has more dangerous drugs to give.

The medical profession is hopelessly bogged down in a morass of diagnostic techniques, and therapeutic failures from which it is unable to extricate itself.

Like my 7 day stay in the hospital. Test after test for why I had been dizzy for a short period. I was no longer dizzy but did they care? The first doctor to see me said it was from an infected ear and did nothing for that but gave me blood pressure medicine due to my blood pressure being higher while in the hospital.

It made me ill and I stopped it. All those test and no treatment. Said I had hyper-tension. Up to my stay in the hospital I had been 120/80 for 77 years.

All degenerative diseases are reversible if caught early enough. Even desperate cases are reversed if they follow the right treatment. What is this treatment?

Fasting. That’s right. No food just water. The problem is that most people cannot leave their home for 2 weeks or more for this treatment. But I now have the means for you to do this at home.

· You will not be hungry…

· You will not need drugs but you can continue to take what drugs the doctor has prescribed for you. Until you show him you don’t need them.

· You will feel better and better as you continue.

· You will have all the nutrients and minerals your body needs.

· You will be able to do it at home.

There are various ways to do this. Please send me a list of what you ate for 3 days. Send me the list of drugs you are taking. Tell me why you feel you want to try this method. You do not need to go off any of the drugs you are now on.

People on drugs must have their doctor’s consent and guidance to go off these dangerous drugs.

I will then tell you what you need to do instead of a water fast, which will give you similar results.

Send to this is not just about arthritis but all degenerative diseases.

Put fasting program in subject field. Please put your full name and telephone number and State you live in. And best time to call. This program is only available at this time in the United States.

Best of Health,
Margie "The Arthritis Lady"

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