Monday, September 19, 2005


Please accept my personal apology for ever recommending Splenda (the artificial sweetener) in the past. I take it back... Do not use SPLENDA.

I came across the following article written by James Bowen M.D.

By James Bowen, M.D. (c) 2003
In a simple word you would just as soon have DDT in your food as Splenda, because sucralose is a chlorocarbon. The chlorocarbons have long been famous for causing organ, genetic, and reproductive damage. It should be no surprise, therefore, that the testing of sucralose, even at less than the level demanded by FDA rules, reveals that it has been shown to cause up to 40%shrinkage of the thymus: A gland that is the very foundation of our immune system. It also causes swelling of the liver and kidneys, and CALCIFICATION of the kidney.

Lying and deceit on the artificial sweetener issue has been the FDA's Modus Operandi ever since Donald Rummsfeld broke everything decent in the US government to put Aspartame on the market as a "contract on humanity". It has no commercial purpose other than a contract on humanity. Either they have done but little testing of sucralose, or they are so afraid of what the public would think of sucralose, and the government if the public but knew what was going on, that they will not tell us! BECAUSE: we have been told nothing about the extensive studies which would have to have been done if very reasonable, and scientifically sound FDA rules had been followed.

Such study results as have been made known, catches the company in great big whopper lies! When questioned about the Thymus shrinkage which would disqualify sucralose forever, by the FDA's own rules, the company merely said. "Well the rats wouldn't eat the food with sucralose in it, so the thymus lost weight from starvation." The FDA allowed that explanation even though it was an admission that the rats hadn't ingested the required amount of sucralose, but had demonstrated immense damage anyway! In fact, if research animals won't voluntarily eat the required dose of experimental substance it can be given by gastric gavage, which is a common and well-known research method. Moreover, the rats so fed were only 7-20% underweight Vs the average for the control group. Rats who are severely starved to create a 30% weight loss, only shrink their thymus by an average of 7%. The net conclusion from all this is, that both the thymus shrinkage and the growth retardation caused by sucralose were enough to in each case disqualify sucralose from the marketplace.

All of these KNOWN findings only pointed out that the testing was so flawed that it could never be used as a basis for approval on one hand, and that the effects which were detected anyway were so severe that sucralose should never be allowed into the human body. It should be classified right along with DDT, and dioxin as illegal to even release into the environment much less put into your body!

The company blandly and heinously denied that sucralose is a chlorocarbon. They stated that it was merely a salt, like sodium chloride! That whopper wouldn't even get past a sophomore chemistry student. Facts, and concern for human welfare are obviously irrelevant in our Bush dominated government, and the Rummsfeld dominated media. What their incredulously lying statements about what sucralose is, did bring to mind though, is that it flies in the face of what its known breakdown product , 1, 6, dichloro, fructose, is: Another highly toxic chlorocarbon. They admittedly did not do toxicity studies on it, as FDA rules require, or perhaps the findings were so dangerous that they felt it better to confess to the "minor omission", of not even complying with the law and doing the required studies! They further tried to side step the toxicity issue by saying "Sucralose is not even absorbed from the digestive tract anyway, because it is after all, a chlorocarbon."

Another bold faced lie. Chlorocarbons are significantly absorbed from the digestive tract and sucralose is no exception! It is significantly absorbed from the GI tract. Of course, at that point their lies had compounded and contradicted themselves.

What you need to know about sucralose is that it is of a class of compounds which places it amongst some of the most dangerous chemicals on earth. The known studies, and science verify this fact. Lies and dissimulations, which have been totally and inexcusably left unchecked by the FDA, point to gross governmental/corporate corruption, and massive cover up and peril. They say "Oh, It's just made from sugar, what could be more natural and harmless."


Dr. Jim Bowen

My thanks go out to Dr. Bowen for this much needed information.

Best of Health,

Margie – “The Arthritis Lady”

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Common Causes of Indigestion

The almost universal state of the digestive tract of man is septic. Like septic tank. It putrefies in our digestive track and intestines.

Bloating, gas, rumbling in the abdomen, discomfort, foul stools, a foul breath and coated tongue. And constipation.

On a personal note. My husband, Warren, had all those symptoms. He ate breath mints and roll aids by the barrel because of his breath. He would not eat raw fruit. As most of you know, he finally got stomach cancer and died. His oncologist said it was due to all those ant- acids he was taking and the ulcer medications he was eating and drinking.

I miss him, even after 11 years and am still angry that he did not take better care of himself. He robbed us of many good years.

Indigestion may be due to a variety of causes. Eating when emotionally upset, when fatigued, when out of sorts, when in pain and fever. When there is severe inflammation, immediately before engaging in physical work or intense mental activity, when cold, etc., may result in a failure to efficiently digest the food eaten.

Overeating is also a frequent cause of indigestion. Anything that lowers the powers of life or that places too great a burden upon the digestive organs may result in delayed digestion and fermentation and putrefaction of the food eaten.

Simply put… eat wrong and your health and your body suffer. It leads to all kinds of diseases, including cancer of the stomach and colon cancer.

There is the long told story of the rich and powerful king who was ill. He ate and ate. He drank and drank. He ate huge meals of 7 to 12 courses. He died in his 30’s. His subjects, who did not have access to his food and drink, but ate simple foods and not much of that, were in great health.

Get it?

No really healthy people result from wrong eating.

Do not eat starches and proteins at the same time. Physicians will deny this. Ask them about their health. And their eating habits. Doctors die young.

Digestion should not be an uncomfortable process, this is not natural.

A large vegetable salad, composed of uncooked vegetables, lettuce, cucumber, celery, tomatoes, etc two non-starchy vegetable and a protein, eaten together will digest easily and without the production of discomfort.

If bread or potatoes or mil or sugar or fruit is added to this meal, there will be retarded digestion and discomfort.

The makers of Alka seltzer and Roll-ads will laugh all the way to the bank while you eat like the rich king.

Acids interfere with starch digestion. It is that simple. Correct overeating and make your digestion tract weep for joy.

Fruits are best eaten alone. And one fruit per meal.

Proper food combining does not cause digestive problems. Vinegar retards digestion. The so called wonder drug, “Apple cider vinegar” contains both acetic acid and alcohol and is unfit for use, not alone because it impairs digestion, but because it contains these two virulent poisons

All acids destroy salivary amylase, the starch splitting enzyme in the saliva, and thus arrest starch digestion in the mouth and stomach.

Acids inhibit the secretion of gastric juice; hence they suspend or retard protein digestion in the stomach. These fruits should not be eaten with protein foods, such as eggs, flesh, cheese, nuts, etc. Pineapples, grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, tomatoes, grapes, apples, peaches, cherries etc.

Nuts and cheese combine better with green vegetables. You can get lovely place mats with the right combination on them from some health food stores. One of my readers sent me a lovely set. Thanks again.

Baking soda destroys pepsin and retards gastric digestion. Many drugs both acids and alkaline, have been used with which to reduce weight because they retard digestion. Bad idea.

Tea, coffee and condiments cause indigestion. Nature doe not mix foods. Man does. Who is in better shape? Animals who eat what nature gives them or man who eats what he wants, when he wants it?

Since the advent of sugar becoming easy to get our health has deteriorated.

Mono meals are best. Be content with one dish at a meal. It is hard to do. But, do the best you can.

Best of Health,

Margie – “The Arthritis Lady”

I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too

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